Grand Opening of Helsingborg Innovation District

A significant milestone for Helsingborg has been reached with the launch of Helsingborg Innovation District, welcoming a new era of innovation, cross-sectoral collaborations, and sustainable growth. The innovation district is set to be a global hub for impact innovation, bridging business, academia, and the public sector to drive forward-thinking solutions.

Opening Ceremony

The official opening ceremony introduced the innovation district initiators, Lund University, Region Skåne, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden, and the City of Helsingborg, as well as representatives from the innovation district hubs. A common theme shared by all involved was the necessity of working together to achieve greatness. Addressing challenges through innovation is a universal goal, bringing about political unity and long-term possibilities for collaboration.

Following a sparkling countdown to the official opening of Helsingborg Innovation District, the audience gained expert knowledge and business insights through panel discussions led by leaders in their respective fields.

Afternoon Sessions

The afternoon was filled with activities and parallel sessions across the innovation district’s various hubs, Hetch, RecoLab, Mindpark, Center for Innovation – Parken and Lund University – Campus Helsingborg, each focusing on different aspects of innovation and sustainable development. To cap off a sensational day, everyone gathered at Scandic Oceanhamnen to network and discuss the day’s activities and future prospects.

This is Just the Beginning

The grand opening of Helsingborg Innovation District is just the beginning of an exciting journey toward transformational impact innovation and sustainable growth. Visit our website, to see images from the event (maybe you can find yourself in the crowd) plus all that is already happening in Helsingborg Innovation District.


Want to know more and how your organisation can be part of the Helsingborg Innovation District community? Contact Zeynep Erdal, Head of Helsingborg Innovation District: